Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sit Up Straight and Pay Attention!

What being a mother has done to me and I can already hear a lot of you go "Ahh not one more mom going "my babyy is chooooooooo cute!". Neeeeh this is not one of those posts.

Why I feel compelled to write about this is very important. Being a child of the "IT age" aka" the new world"... I was born with the "I know whats best for me and the world" syndrome ( and trust me I DO know better 80% of the time :D) ... Ahh before I digress and indulge in self admiration :D lets get this post back on track.

There are 2 things I see my peers struggle with, first is commitment to a relationship/person and when thats done, the next big question is - Do we really need a baby?

I am writing this blog for men as well as women who think they have these figured ....

(More after the break .... stay tuned! dont go anywhere we will be right back ;))

Back now!
So that was a long unpredictable journey between what motivated me to pen those words to how I think about the same things today...

My relationship with my daughter has helped me better my relationship with my parents. And having a child has made me realize that there are things in life you cant understand unless you experience it first hand. Being a parent is one of the simpler aspects of life and if it took me having a baby to connect to my parents, has me wondering/questioning my impressions/understanding/judgement of the other aspects of life

Having a child has me questioning everything I so took for granted all my life.

Do I really understand what it like to be in the thick on a financial meltdown?

Do I really know whats it like to be a single mom in India or any other country?

Do I really understand what motivates people to outsource their work to India?

Some personal some professional questions.

Getting promotion at work, getting a higher paying job, seeing new places, meeting more people, getting another educational degree, getting a bigger house, buying a bigger car, getting a new hobby or doing something I've always wanted to ... nothing compares or makes you feel whole as having a child.

I don't mean to say you will stop wanting all those things but after having a child it will be for a different reason than trying to define your identity.

I was a skeptic before I had one and now I am a believer.

1 comment:

Avanti Sané said...

waiting for the continuation..btw there is nothing wrong in a mom fawning over a child...every kid deserves a mom who thinks he/she is the absolute best :)